TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Articles containing the tag "AML"

Business as usual, in unusual times.
We're living in very strange and surreal times. Times when we have to self-isolate, where we can no longer go into the office or meet our clients face-to-face. Times when we have to find other ways to communicate with each other and access our systems remotely.
Businesses are being forced to rethink how they work and how to adapt in a very short time frame.
So how can you keep your business running - as well providing your clients with the support they need to keep their businesses running too?

Anti-money laundering sneaks itself on hectic January tax season
For a lot of accountants, January is not the best time to think of anything else other than tax. As you tuck in to SA return after SA return you may or may not have noticed that following a consultation back in June 2019 the money laundering and terrorist financing (amendment) regulations 2019 (MLRs) came into force on 10 January 2020, updating existing regulations.
Here is a brief summary of some of the key changes within the 2019 regulations.
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Fine. Or fine?
Fine. or fine?
HMRC has issued fines for non-compliance to AML regulations. Don’t make the same mistake.
With HMRC issuing fines to certain accountants for failing to have proper anti-money laundering (AML) procedures in place AML is an issue that can’t be ignored.
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