TaxCalc Blog
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Articles containing the tag "Companies House"

Companies House Same day services suspended
Due to the closure of Companies House office, the ability to fast track company registrations and certain company information has been SUSPENDED until further notice. Companies House have advised customers that any incorporation or change of name filings with the same day indicator will fail validation.
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Fine. Or fine?
Fine. or fine?
HMRC has issued fines for non-compliance to AML regulations. Don’t make the same mistake.
With HMRC issuing fines to certain accountants for failing to have proper anti-money laundering (AML) procedures in place AML is an issue that can’t be ignored.
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Advanced Companies House Integration and enhanced Task, Work Tracking and Deadline Management
You’ll know how committed we are to enhancing your TaxCalc experience and improving your practice’s performance.
We've listened to your feedback and have made a number of improvements to task management and enhanced the facility to sync data from Companies House.

Late Filing. The facts and figures (and how to avoid a £1,500 sting in the tail).
Companies filing their accounts late can incur an eye-watering £1,500 fine after six months. One would think that’s enough to focus the mind, yet the number of penalties being handed out by Companies House has seen a spike over the past year. The stats for the year to March 2017 make interesting reading...
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