TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Articles containing the tag "SSL"

TaxCalc Cloud Connect – Our approach to Cloud security
At Accountex in May of this year, we announced a new service for our practice customers called TaxCalc Cloud Connect. We're working on it right now and as its name might suggest, it will enable our software to connect to a database in the Cloud, rather than one found on a local computer or network server.
It’s actually a really big project for us. Unlike most of our releases, it doesn’t just touch on the software (which has been turbocharged to deal with latency caused by the Internet) but has required us to build a lot of supporting infrastructure, not just in physical assets such as servers, but in our website too.
Also, for the first time, we’ll be looking after your firm’s data. With this comes great responsibility and so we have sought to find a security model that provides peace of mind whilst not getting in the way.
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Windows XP and Security
We recently made the announcement that we would be withdrawing formal support for Microsoft Windows XP on 1 March 2016.
Unsurprisingly, we received a small amount of correspondence from customers on this. As an operating system that will, by next March, have seen some 15 years of service, a handful found our announcement to be somewhat of a blow. Others, however, were more philosophical and accepting that this was an inevitability, especially since Microsoft themselves retired the operating system in April of last year.
Since then, Microsoft haven’t been providing security or other critical updates. This has had a knock on effect with the number of customers using the operating system and, indeed, we’ve seen a rapid reduction in the number of installations running on Windows XP.
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