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Kate Webb (14)
13 October 2016

Tax Round-Up in association with Accounting Web

TaxCalc has teamed up with Accounting Web and Rebecca Cave to provide you with topical tax guides. 

The first of four guides will be published in October and will focus on making the most of savings and dividend allowances. 

This particular guide considers how to make the best use of a tax payer’s savings and dividend allowances. Any changes made to a tax payer’s income can have knock-on effects, which may generate additional tax liabilities or precipitate the loss of other allowances. It is essential to review the tax payer’s full tax position before suggesting any changes.

The guide will be promoted via the Accounting Web newswire on 17th October. If you’re already a TaxCalc Practice customer, click here to download your copy today.

The next guide will be available at the end of November with content to be confirmed.

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