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A Glowing Review From ICPA
One of the great adages of all time is that “All publicity is good publicity” and course we always value feedback and reviews of our software whether positive or negative. It’s what helps us improve what we do and develop even better products.
However, I tend to think that positivity creates more positivity, so I was delighted to read Tony Margaritelli, Chairman of the ICPA, recent review of TaxCalc published in the ICPA Magazine and it is definitely worth sharing. Especially as this glowing review has also been published on AccountingWeb as well.
Below are a few extracts from the review, but to read the full article please click here.
"TaxCalc has been around for a long time, winning awards galore along the way and always seeming to meet new legislative hurdles with the minimum of fuss.
Throughout, I was buoyed up by the fact that on each screen were little red question marks which when clicked – guess what – led to help on the screen functions being used. I found the Accounts production a joy to use and so very easy to understand.
So I prepared my Accounts and my Tax Return, and then when I ticked that I had finished the software picked up my deliberate errors – and the one I hadn’t done deliberately – which was a great safeguard.
This is a fine piece of software that does what it sets out to do without flamboyance and fanfare. It has made functionality and ease of use the cornerstones of its offering, and now I can see why it has won the awards it has.
When I finished I asked myself the following questions: did I find the software easy to use? Did it work the way I expected? Did it do what it was supposed to do? And is it value for money? On all accounts I can honestly say yes. This is the first piece of software I found myself actually enjoying using, which has not happened for a long time. There were times when I had a smile on my face, and long may that continue."
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