TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Articles containing the tag "Public Relations "

Confirming our Spreadsheet, Income Tax and VAT Filing Functionality as part of our MTD Solution
When TaxCalc MTD was unveiled at Accountex, we reassured the accounting community that our MTD strategy would accommodate spreadsheet users to record transactions for compilation into an online quarterly submission for HMRC.
Following further announcements from HMRC regarding VAT compliance, we can confirm that our VAT Filer solution will also be ready for the submission of VAT returns under MTD.
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Our CEO Tracy discusses the importance of integrating innovation into our corporate culture.
Our CEO Tracy is a lady with great experience in many different aspects of the business world. She's famous here at TaxCalc for providing an opinion or pearl of wisdom on the widest range of subjects, from Tax to Trump. Recently Tracy has contributed insights and features to a number of business publications. Here Tracy discusses the importance of integrating innovation into our corporate culture.
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TaxCalc Shortlisted yet again at the British Accountancy Awards 2016
The nominations are in for the ‘Practice Software Product of the Year’ and we are delighted to have made the shortlist in this highly prestigious category.
This is the third year that we’ve been nominated. We consistently strive to create innovative, intuitive software that simply works for you – and all for a price that’s hard to match. It adds up to exceptional value.
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A Glowing Review From ICPA
One of the great adages of all time is that “All publicity is good publicity” and course we always value feedback and reviews of our software whether positive or negative. It’s what helps us improve what we do and develop even better products.
However, I tend to think that positivity creates more positivity, so I was delighted to read Tony Margaritelli, Chairman of the ICPA, recent review of TaxCalc published in the ICPA Magazine and it is definitely worth sharing…
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Protecting Yourself from Phishing Scams
In something of an irony (considering who’s received it), a phishing email beat my spam filter last night and landed in my personal inbox. Purporting to come from HMRC, I apparently have a VAT tax refund waiting for me and need to follow the link to fill out a form to claim it. What excitement for a Thursday evening!
I think that everyone will agree with me that this is really quite a suspicious looking email. However, looking today at the kinds of emails TaxCalc generally receives from HMRC, especially with regard to VAT and VAT MOSS, even official emails from HMRC can appear to be quite generic.
For example, VAT return reminders are addressed to Sir or Madam and VAT MOSS emails to just “VAT MOSS user”. Whilst said emails may quote the name of the company and our VAT number, these can easily be found on our website.
The email prompted me to think about how we can stay safe with phishing scams.
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