TaxCalc Blog
News and events from TaxCalc
Articles containing the tag "News"

Companies House Same day services suspended
Due to the closure of Companies House office, the ability to fast track company registrations and certain company information has been SUSPENDED until further notice. Companies House have advised customers that any incorporation or change of name filings with the same day indicator will fail validation.
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Charity Commission advice, MTD for VAT soft landing period extended and IR35 Delayed
The Charity Commission has advised that charities due to submit an Annual Return imminently, but are unable to do so, can email them to request a filing extension. Coronavirus guidance for the charity sector provides information in response to the most commonly asked questions about operating during this period.
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Trust us to take action in our time of need
As a family business, we hold dear the values that keeps a family together: respect, loyalty, caring for one another, belief in making the future better.
We have an amazing, devoted team that knows the importance of getting our products right and doing the right thing by our customers. In many ways our customers are like family to us. Many of them have been with us from the beginning. They get in touch when they need our help and in turn advise us on improving our products so they are the best they can be. Our customers stick up for us and it’s only right that we do all we can to support them during these uncertain and worrying times.
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An update from our CEO – Where we are today
I’m delighted, and very proud to say that Team TaxCalc has delivered the latest release remotely to keep you compliant with the latest legislative changes for the 2019/20 tax year. Our new release will be rolled out during Monday next week. Please keep your eyes peeled for the email that invites you to download and update.
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An update from our CEO – Friday 20 March
First and foremost, I hope this post finds you and your respective colleagues and families well.
I’m pleased to inform you that Team TaxCalc is still very much fighting fit as I write.
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An update from our CEO – Support Hours and TaxCalc 2020 Release
Our continued updates on what’s happening at TaxCalc:
- We are in the final stages of testing for the 2020 release with a view to the release landing by the end of this month.
- Our Customer Support Team is now set up and working from home, dealing with calls as if they are in the office.
At the time of writing, we are all OK. We have had a few of the team self-isolating but now that we are working from home, we have reduced the risk of infection considerably. Long may this continue. Plans are in place to ensure minimal disruption to you and your firm regardless of staffing levels.
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COVID-19 and TaxCalc
TaxCalc, like all business is having to implement a change to how we currently work in light of the rapid acceleration of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you would expect of a family business, we have prioritised the wellbeing of our employees and their collective families. As we navigate these uncertain times together, I want to keep you updated and assure you that it’s business as normal at TaxCalc.
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Important information regarding NIC calculations
Possible issue with HMRC calculations for Self-Employed National Insurance Contributions (NIC)
If your clients receive a revised assessment of tax due for 2018/19, which includes an adjustment for reducing or eliminating class 2 and/or class 4 National Insurance contributions, it may be incorrect.
If the individual in question is not set up on HMRC’s self-employed database, this could occur because the system will not expect to collect class 2/4 NIC.
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